AI will not replace Software Engineers

Abstract Artificial Intelligence (AI) thumbnail

Today, I would like to address a topic that affects us all in some way: is AI going to replace software engineers? This is not just a fear I read and hear from different actors of the tech industry. For instance, in March 2024, NVIDIA CEO Jen Sen Huang said kids should stop learning programming … read more …

Recommendation Assistant 1.0.0 is here

It has been a while since I released the initial version of Recommendation Assistant, my Master’s Thesis in coorperatin with Nextcloud GmbH and Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. Today, I am happy to announce version 1.0.0. What has been changed? Most of the work is on how recommendations are being calculated. Earlier this year, I … read more …

TF-IDF keyword extraction

For my masters thesis I have researched Content-Based Recommendation and extracting keywords – namely: TF-IDF keyword extraction – as a part of it in detail. One interesting point regarding to keyword extraction is the “quality” of keywords, meaning that if a keyword is descriptive for a document or not. TF-IDF Definition For TF-IDF keyword extraction … read more …