Vagrant Getting Started

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The last few days, I was busy getting started with Vagrant. Vagrant is a nice tool to create a development environment to ‘just start’ developing. New team members, for instance, do not need to set up, but can simply run ‘vagrant up’ to have a fully configured, ready-to-start environment.

Personally, in my case, it is very helpful with my PHP development environment. I do not need to care about PHP extensions (intl, mcrypt, dom, etc). My Vagrantfile will contain all these setups. I just need to run ‘vagrant up’.

The following list is a summary of Vagrant and how to use it, based on the “Getting Started by Vagrant” article:

Why Vagrant

  • lowering development environment setup time
  • stands on shoulders of giant: machines provisioned on top of VirtualBox, VMware, AWS, etc.


  • allows automatically installing software, alter configuration etc. as part of the ‘vagrant up’ process
  • installing needed software by hand works, but provisioning allows automation of that.
  • all you need for a fully ready-to-go system is ‘vagrant up’ and ‘vagrant destroy’
  • provisioning runs at the first ‘vagrant up’, with ‘vagrant provision’ and if flags are set
  • inline or external shell script


  • ‘Box’: base virtual machine image to quickly clone a VM.
  • ‘Box Catalogue’: central place to store boxes

How It Work’s

  • isolates dependencies in an environment without affecting any of tools used (editor, IDE, browser, etc)
  • every configuration is done by Vagrantfile: two purposes
    • marks the project root, many options are related to this path
    • describes kind of machine and software to install needed by your environment
  • Vagrantfile meant to be commited to the VCS
  • ‘synced folders’: Vagrant syncs automatically files to/from host/guest machine
  • ‘vagrant up’ also provisions
  • ‘vagrant reload –provision’ when guest machine is already running

Project Setup

  • ‘vagrant init’ initializes a directory for usage with Vagrant
  • configuring a box in Vagrantfile:
  • config.vm.box_version and config.vm.box_url are optional


  • CTRL + D: Logout from VM
  • ‘vagrant box remove’ removes downlaoded box


  • 3 Major ways to teardown your environment:
    • ‘vagrant suspend’: saves the current running state of the machine and stop it. ‘vagrant up’ gets it back. Downside: eats up diskspace as it stores all the state of the VM.
    • ‘vagrant halt’: shuts the guest operating system gracefully down and powers down the guest machine. Downside: takes much more time to boot the VM again.
    • ‘vagrant destroy’: stops the guest machine, powers it down and removes all traces of the guest machine from your system. Benefit: no cruft is left on host (especially RAM and disk space). Downside: takes extra time to boot with ‘vagrant up’, as it has to re-import everything and provision.

Good To Know

  • Vagrant Share – let’s you share your environment with the whole world
Last Update: 22/12/2024 11:58:35. Change Description: initial document