Didapptic.com reaches a new milestone

Recently, we deployed another milestone of didapptic.com, the platform for evaluating mobile apps for teaching. So far, didapptic enables users to add apps to the database and give them a rating from a teaching point of view and edit or delete them. Didapptic fetches app data, such as descriptions and screenshots, from the iTunes/Google Play … read more …

Contact Synchronization Client – A First Try

The last few weeks, I was focused on algorithms and data structures. I have been working my way through “Cracking The Coding Interview” and created a PHP library based on this book. I splitted interesting topics, such as dependency resolving using topological sorting, out into separate projects and released them under the MIT lincese on … read more …

Role Based Access Control and Big O

Didapptic.com is a research based web application that measures Android and iOS Apps from a didactic point of view. Actually, we work on a new release in order to provide a fresh layout and smarter handling of app data. Among other things, the new release introduces also a new user management handling which allows and/or permits … read more …