Item-Based Collaborative Filtering

Back in 2017, during my Master’s Thesis, I ran this blog in german. Time flies and fast forward to today, I switched to english language very long time ago. For the thesis, I was researching about recommendation systems and Item-Based Collaborative Filtering, among others. My research results were published on this blog, but in German. … read more …

Converting Roman Numerals To Decimal Integers

Algorithms fascinate me again and again. They seem to be very hard to understand, but once you have practiced enough, you will recognize common patterns. Once you reach the state where you see a problem and can imagine a solution, it seems like that you just adjust the previous algorithm used. Saying this, I am … read more …

Traversing a 2D Matrix

The new years first blog is about algorithms – more precisely: 2 dimensional matrices. I want to explore the ways how to find connected 1’s (so called islands) in a 2D array. This problem is also known as the “find the number of islands” or “connected components in an undirected graph“. In this post, we … read more …

Resolving Database Dependencies Using Topological Graph Sorting

In past projects at my former employer, I had to deal with a lot of historical grown (duplicated) code and databases. Some source code files contained of nearly 2,000 lines of code and contained a lot of duplicated stuff. The databases were in a similar situation. Much worse in this scenario was the violation of … read more …

Role Based Access Control and Big O is a research based web application that measures Android and iOS Apps from a didactic point of view. Actually, we work on a new release in order to provide a fresh layout and smarter handling of app data. Among other things, the new release introduces also a new user management handling which allows and/or permits … read more …

PHP HashMap Implementation

A few days ago I have started working on a PHP library for algorithms and data structures. PHPAlgorithms is still in progress and thus has a early beta status. But today, I have pushed the first data structure which is nearly full done: PHP HashMap Implementation. A HashMap is characterized among others by its key-value … read more …